Tales of Annualia

Original webcomic/YouTube series by
Jordan Scarzfava and Steven Reatherford

Tales of Annualia Poster. 2022.

About ToA

"Prologue" Thumbnail by NinjaHaku. 2022.

Tales of Annualia (or ToA, for short) is an indie webcomic/YouTube series created by Jordan Scarzfava and Steven Reatherford.The story takes place in a fictional world where each region has its own everlasting season.
One day, a young mime named Mimi Mimica travels to Annualia and meets her new friends, Sorin and Duff. They guide her through the enchanted world as they encounter many humans and creatures both friendly and hostile.

"Prologue" Thumbnail by LV. 2022.

There are a total of 6 books we are currently developing, plus some bonus content and a sister series called Perennial Fables. Our goal is to create official dubs for these comics for the world to see and hear. You can read our current progress for the Prologue on Webtoon and Tapas!

"Shuffling for Souls" Thumbnail by Steven Reatherford. 2022.

"Shuffling for Souls" Thumbnail by NinjaHaku. 2022.

Meet the Storytellers

Mimi Mimica
Age: 8
Pronouns: She/Her
Place of Origin: Burgundy, France
Voiced by: Jordan Scarzfava
Mimi is a mime who speaks with her hands. Born from pen and ink, she was drawn to life for children's entertainment. However, after suffering from a stage accident, Mimi leaves home and travels to the world of Annualia to find new friends and live a better, happier life.

Sorin Battington
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Place of Origin: Bedeviled Forest
Voiced by: Jazzy Oliver
Sorin is a fruit bat with high-alert senses. He is a member of the Harvest Community, working alongside his queerplatonic companion, Duff. Though the two are inseparable, Sorin gets extremely tense when Duff gets himself into dangerous shenanigans.

Duff B. Mandible
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of Origin: Bedeviled Forest
Voiced by: Joseph Esposito
Duff is a skeleton with a daring sense of adventure. He works for the Harvest Community alongside his queerplatonic companion, Sorin. He loves nothing more than to do dangerous stunts and ride on his motorcycle, much to Sorin's chagrin.

Hektor Scareborough
Age: 57
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Graysexual Aromantic
Place of Origin: Bedeviled Forest
Voiced by: Steven Reatherford
Hektor (aka "Hek") is an old scarecrow with fingernail blades and a fiery temper. He lives alone in a wooden shack and prefers to stay that way. However, if one were to come across his fields, he'd put their life on the line by playing cards.

SnowBelle the Winter Angel
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Origin: Evergreen Town
Voiced by: Kelsey Maher
SnowBelle (aka "the Winter Angel") is a snowwoman who resides in the winter village of Evergreen Town. She is a friendly, compassionate, and extroverted woman who tries to see the best in people and help out when she can. She has two older siblings named Bally and Flakie and a pet penguin named Pearly.

La Hierba Mora
Age: ???
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Sapphic
Place of Origin: Vernal Valley
Voiced by: Gael Rice
La Hierba Mora (aka "The Nightshade") is a witch with dark magic. She can turn people's worst fears into reality by trapping them in their own nightmares. Once under her possession, she takes their souls and leaves their bodies to rot or be possessed by restless spirits.

Olcan Mondkrieger
Age: 40
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Origin: Vernal Valley
Voiced by: Paul-Greene Dennis
Olcan is a werewolf doctor specializing in medicine and music. Though large and beastly in appearance, he is kind and nurturing in personality. He is also the proud and protective father of two pups, Tasha and Rolin.

Timothé Imiter
Age: 32
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Origin: Burgundy, France
Voiced by: Alain d'Regal
Timothé is Mimi's creator. He's a cartoonist from Burgundy, France who longs to bring his character to life for children's entertainment. When his wish comes true, he is given the chance to showcase her on stage. However, since her stage accident, he's become overprotective of her.

Noble Nix
Age: Immortal
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Aroace
Place of Origin: Perennial Fields
Voiced by: Imani Youngblood
Nix is the noble protector of Annualia. Their duties are to keep the seasonal regions safe and preserve the inhabitants' stories. They also grants wishes to those in need, including readers and dreamers who are not from Annualia.

The World of Annualia

Annualia is a magical world divided into four regions. Each region has its own everlasting season, even when the calendar changes. The only exception would be the change in temperature to accompany the month.

"Shuffling for Souls" Thumbnail by NinjaHaku. 2022.

Bedeviled ForestThe Autumn region, located west of Annualia. It is a place of harvest and festivity for All Hallow's Eve. However, it is also the habitat of the most dangerous and monstrous of creatures. Parents tell their children stories about these beings as a means to warn them not to go anywhere far when Trick-or-Treating--especially in the old cornfield down by the woods.

Evergreen Town Backgrounds by Alexys Terman. 2022.

Evergreen TownThe Winter region, located north of Annualia. Here is where all the humble snowfolk live, specializing in construction work, craftsmanship, and trading goods. They welcome visitors to their homes with open arms and a warm sense of hospitality.

Vernal Valley Backgrounds by Leonan Souza. 2022.

Vernal ValleyThe Spring region, located east of Annualia. Beyond a vast field of flowers on the mountain is a small town where the Eastertiders reside. Many locals and visitors stop by the diner for a bite to eat or shop in stores for costumes or knick-knacks. Their most celebrated holiday is Easter because it represents the rebirth of life.

"Beach Day" by Steven Reatherford. 2022.

Terra d'EstateThe Summer region, located south of Annualia. It is the hottest region surrounded by sand and ocean. The main locals are sea creatures and merfolk, but oftentimes, it is plundered by infamous pirates. The most popular treat in Terra d'Estate is ice cream.

Perennial FieldsThe fifth and most sacred region of Annualia. It is where the fairies and plant life reside. No one knows where the region is located, only that it exists somewhere.

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